Displayed on top of f7Navbar. Interestingly, f7Appbar can also trigger f7Panel.

f7Appbar(..., leftPanel = FALSE, rightPanel = FALSE)



Any UI content such as f7Searchbar, f7Next and f7Back. It is best practice to wrap f7Next and f7Back in a f7Flex.


Whether to enable the left panel. FALSE by default.


Whether to enable the right panel. FALSE by default.


if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(shinyMobile) cities <- names(precip) shinyApp( ui = f7Page( title = "My app", f7Appbar( f7Flex(f7Back(targetId = "tabset"), f7Next(targetId = "tabset")), f7Searchbar(id = "search1", inline = TRUE) ), f7TabLayout( navbar = f7Navbar( title = "f7Appbar", hairline = FALSE, shadow = TRUE ), f7Tabs( animated = FALSE, swipeable = TRUE, id = "tabset", f7Tab( tabName = "Tab 1", icon = f7Icon("envelope"), active = TRUE, "Text 1" ), f7Tab( tabName = "Tab 2", icon = f7Icon("today"), active = FALSE, "Text 2" ), f7Tab( tabName = "Tab 3", icon = f7Icon("cloud_upload"), active = FALSE, "Text 3" ) ) ) ), server = function(input, output) {} ) }